What are CBD dog supplements? How do they work, do they work, and are they safe for my dog?    These questions come up for every pet parent, and at PetFX, we believe you should be confident that you are choosing a safe, trustworthy option for your dog. This is the perfect guide for all your CBD questions so you can feel confident about using CBD and hemp to help your dog live happier and healthier.
Happy golden retriever

The Ultimate CBD Guide for Dogs

What are CBD dog supplements? How do they work, do they work, and are they safe for my dog?  These questions come up for every pet parent, and at PetFX, we believe you should be confident that you are choosing a safe, trustworthy option for your dog. This is the perfect guide for all your CBD questions so you can feel confident about using CBD and hemp to help your dog live happier and healthier.
Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season - Pet-FX

Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

The holidays are exciting for all family members, including your four-legged ones! While you may be up for the festivities, your pet might not be. Loud noises, visitors, traveling, and unfamiliar places can leave pets anxious and stressed. Festive decorations and food can become hazardous for pets too. Here’s what every pet parent needs to know to keep their pets safe and happy during the holiday season. 
PetFX: Alternative Pet Health - Pet-FX

PetFX: Alternative Pet Health

Alternative pet health refers to any practice that aims to achieve the healing effects of traditional medicine in a natural treatment that you can use alone or alongside standard treatments. PetFX has gathered everything pet parents need to know about alternative health practices, benefits, and how to incorporate products such as hemp, CBD, and aromatherapy into your pet’s daily routine.
Preventative Pet Care with PetFX - Pet-FX

Preventative Pet Care with PetFX

Preventative care is key for happy and healthy pets. Avoiding illness in the form of prevention is always better than having to treat illness. No pet parent wants their furry family member to experience discomfort, illness, or injury, and keeping up with their healthcare is the best way to prevent or quickly treat ailments. Below, PetFX explores different preventative care options so your pet can always feel their very best. 
How to know if your dog is in pain: Discomfort signs and symptoms - Pet-FX

How to know if your dog is in pain: Discomfort signs and symptoms

Dogs experience pain and discomfort the same way that people do, but they don’t always show it the same way and can not communicate it the way we can. No pet parent wants their dog to be in pain, so it is important to know both obvious and subtle signs of discomfort since they can’t tell us when they are hurt.
How to Keep Your Litter Box From Smelling - Pet-FX

How to Keep Your Litter Box From Smelling

As cute as our cats and kittens are, what's not cute is that persistent litter box smell. Even worse, if the odor has taken over and made your entire living space smell just like your cat's toilet. One way or another, your cat needs to use the bathroom, but what can you do about the smell? Read further to discover tips and tricks for removing urine odor and preventative measures to keep it away for good.
Do Dogs Shed More in the Summer? - Pet-FX

Do Dogs Shed More in the Summer?

When summer comes around, do you find yourself cleaning up more dog hair instead of enjoying time outside? Have you ever wondered if your dog sheds more in the summer than in other months? The answer is a little more complex than the fur on your couch may suggest. 
Dog Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments - Pet-FX

Dog Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

You may be unsure about many things regarding dog anxiety because, unlike humans, dogs cannot communicate how they are feeling. You may wonder how you can tell if your dog has anxiety, how you help your anxious pup, and so on. PetFX is here to help with your journey by providing a few common causes, commonly displayed symptoms, and some natural, affordable treatments with our CannaLove® line. You’ll have everything you need to face dog anxiety head-on and help your furry companion.